Coulson Featured on Bloomberg Businessweek

Title & Byline for Bloomerg Businessweek article pub. August 5, 2021 / Written by Jeffery Wise

Title & Byline for Bloomerg Businessweek article pub. August 5, 2021 / Written by Jeffery Wise

Coulson Chinook in action / Calabasas, California / Photographer: Myung J. Chun/Los Angeles Times/Polaris

Coulson Chinook in action / Calabasas, California / Photographer: Myung J. Chun/Los Angeles Times/Polaris

To a layperson, the Coulsons might sound like they’re reading aloud from a Tom Clancy novel. But there’s a reason for that. Fighting wildfires is like fighting a war. Battles never end: Rain brings growth that will become fuel, droughts make the fuel drier and prone to combust, and every place that burns will burn again...
— Jeff Wise for Bloomberg Businessweek

Jeffery Wise provides a descriptive article, taking his readers into “a day in the life” of Coulson Aviation as he features our firefighting missions in California during the summer of 2021.


Mr. Wise goes on to feature Cliff Coulson’s early vision, and the technological innovations in aerial firefighting brought to fruition by his son Wayne, and his Grandsons Foster and Britt.

Coulson Group