North American Aerial Firefighting Show 2020

We’re back from the North American Aerial Firefighting Show and had a great time in Sacramento.

It was great to meet everyone that came by our booth or visited our 2 helicopters out on the tarmac.


Our CEO, Wayne Coulson had a speaking opportunity and instead of talking about the latest Coulson Aviation developments opted to pay tribute to Tanker 134 and its fallen heroes.

Remembering Tanker 134

Our Newest CH47 With a RADS-L Tank

We also brought our newest CH47 Chinook down with our CU-60 Blackhawk to showcase our helicopter aerial firefighting capabilities. The Coulson Unical CU-47 N40CU is the first helicopter with the world’s largest capacity internal helicopter firefighting system. With the addition of the installed Coulson RADS-L system the aircraft is capable of carrying 3,000 gallons.

“We are the first aerial firefighting company in the industry to employ this technology on a CH47 and we’re excited to add this asset to the Coulson Unical fleet to combat fires around the world” Britton Coulson, President of Coulson Aviation. “Through our partnership with Unical we have been able to field a significant fleet of new generation Type 1 Helicopters equipped with the latest and greatest avionics suite, the RADS-L addition will assure the CU-47’s position as a premier HeliTanker.”

Air to Air Photo Shoot

And when you have some downtime and 2 helicopters in one place, you must get an air to air photoshoot in. So, we went up with Air Attack to capture the first test water tank drop from the CH47 and then watched the sunset on the way back to McClellan Air Force Base while getting some amazing shots of our incredible aircraft.


Photo Credit: Air Attack Magazine

Coulson Group